Wash Day, Squash Day


Yep, it’s another article about “Wash Day”. Anyone who is a natural knows wash day is truly a task, or is it? One thing we know for sure is that washing the hair is a very important element to hair care. It’s referenced as “Wash Day” because for a whole (24) hours your day will resolve around your mentally preparing yourself to wash your hair, style it and allowing it to dry. Wash Day, Squash Day.

Everyone has their preferences, as to what products and ingredients are healthy and what’s not. Personally, I believe your regiment is just as important, if not more important. One thing about natural hair care, is that what works for one person, does not necessarily work for another. And it’s also about trial and error.

The first goal is keeping your mane hydrated and clean. Natural hair sucks up moisture, at least mine does! You can can achieve hydration with many products. Most products clean efficiently.

Next, you need to find a shampoo and conditioner that produces the best results for your hair, as in feel/texture, shine and style hold. You can also find pretty good results with many products. You just have to find what is best for you!

I have found that washing/ or co washing my hair 1x time a week is best! Here’s a typical wash day for me:

  1. Wash or co wash 2x
  2. Conditioner for 10-30 minutes, depending on how I feel.
  3. Apply a natural oil and hair grease.
  4. Plat or twist my hair in individual sections. I do this sometimes, often I don’t feel like.

Some tips for wash day:

  • Use a wide tooth comb to detangle as you shampoo.
  • Plat your hair directly after conditioning with your choice of product (example natural oil, gel, pudding, etc) . After your hair dries it will make it easier to handle.
  • Try to air dry your hair as much as possible, but if you choose to air dry, use cold air setting. Always use dryer in a downward position, swaying hair in one direction. Be quick, especially if you’re using hot air!
  • For blowouts or flat ironing do not apply heavy oils or hair grease to your hair. Something like lite use of “bone straight” is good. But using heavy product basically fries your hair. Don’t straighten your hair regularly. Just don’t.

I honestly believe a lot of naturalists’ put too much focus on what products they use, instead of the regiment itself and keeping the hair hydrated. Way before this talk about not using silicones, sulfates, alcohol, etc., we were using products with these ingredients. And if I remember correctly both men and woman of color had large healthy Afro’s back in the dayz.

Granted some products may not be the best ingredients for the hair, the manipulation of the hair is even more vital. How you care for your hair. Take care of your hair, but keep it simple and clean.

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